“Sleep Out For The Homeless” at WKU

BOWLING GREEN, Ky. – On the South Lawn of Western Kentucky University, the Epsilon Theta chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. held their annual “Sleep Out For The Homeless” event where they collect toiletries to later deliver to shelters and ask their fellow students to join in outside for an overnight experience.

The chapter invited some guests to speak on the matter of homeless in the country, one of which was a professor at Western who said he’s studied and working along the homeless community for years and said they best way to help is to donate and volunteer at those organizations geared towards getting people off the streets.

News 40 spoke to the president of the Epsilon Theta chapter on the hill, he told the station though they won’t have the true experience of being homeless tonight, the event is all about symbolism and advocacy for the social problem.

The station also spoke to a student in Phi Gamma Delta also known as “Fiji”, who said he’s a Bowling Green native and watching the homeless community grow over the years really touches him. The student told News 40 that he was glad that the men of Phi Beta Sigma hosted this event and encouraged everyone to give what they can to organizations such as Hotel Inc. rather than those you see out on corners, he said he feels they give a bad rep those who are really struggling.