TBI releases new photos of Noah, Amber and Jacob Clare
UPDATE: From the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation’s Twitter feed…#NoahClare and #AmberClare have been found safe and sound, just outside of San Clemente, CA! Jake Clare is in custody! More details as they become available!
BOWLING GREEN, Ky. – The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation released new surveillance photos of who they believe to be missing Noah, Amber and Jacob Clare.
Agents say the pictures are from November 11th in San Clemente, California, the same city where Jacob’s vehicle was found earlier this week.
Noah’s mother reported to police in Tennessee on November 7th that Noah’s father, Jacob Clare, failed to return the 3-year-old after a scheduled visitation.
The two were last seen in Beaver Dam, Kentucky on November 5th along with Jacob’s niece, 16-year-old Amber Clare who is also missing.
Police secured a warrant against Jacob for custodial interference and an Endangered Child Alert was issued. That alert was upgraded to an AMBER Alert on Tuesday when an additional charge of aggravated kidnapping was issued against Jacob Clare.
If you have any information about their whereabouts, please contact 911 or 1-800-TBI-FIND.