Meet Shaker Village’s new puppy employees

HARRODSBURG, Ky. (WLEX) – Meet Murphy and Milo, Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill’s newest employees.
The 4-year-old Bernese Mountain puppies are adorable, but they also have an important job ahead of them.
Once they’re older, they’ll live with and help guard hundreds of sheep on the Harrodsburg, Kentucky property.
Eventually, the puppies are estimated to reach nearly 120 pounds.
Farm manager Mike Moore says traditionally, their job has always been herding, guarding or draft work. Moore says once the pups complete obedience training, they will learn from older members of the pack.
It could be at least a year until Murphy and Milo are in the field by themselves.
For now, these good boys are spending time on the farm and capturing the hearts of everyone they meet.
Bernese Mountain Dogs were bred to protect farms and pastures, and it’s still true today. Shaker Village says if you visit and see the dogs, remember they’re not pets – they have important jobs to do, and they don’t want to interfere with that.
Still, it’s hard not to admit these two are cute.