Kentucky town features miniature Christmas display

MASON COUNTY, Ky. (WLEX) – A Kentucky woman is embracing the small this holiday season.
The signs of the season are in the historic town of Maysville, Kentucky, but inside the Kathleen Savage Browning Miniatures Collection, you have to look a bit closer.
That’s when you may notice Browning’s renowned gallery of miniatures, decked out for the holidays.
Thirty-three hundred square feet is filled with tiny, one-twelfth scale versions of everyday objects, where you will find a small jug of eggnog, an open fire and even sheet music for a holiday classic.
Christmas trees go up in many of the small-scale home and, yes – they light up.
“I love setting up the vignettes, so that you look at it, and you go ‘what’s going on here?’ And when you look at each piece then together, it really does tell a story,” Curator Kaye Browning says.
That includes stories from Kaye Browning’s own life.
Inside one room hang some very special stockings.
“There’s one for each of my grandchildren,” Kaye Browning says.
Nearby, a nativity scene tells the story of Jesus’ birth. In another space, a scaled-down Santa Claus drops off itty bitty gifts, proving joy can arrive in the smallest of packages.
“I have my home which I adore, but I live in every one every one of these scenes and houses, and room boxes,” Kaye Browning says. “I just, I just love feeling what it would be like to be in that atmosphere.”
She keeps busy all year round and especially likes setting up decorations for other holidays.
Her next big project will be for Valentine’s Day.