Alcohol sales on the ballot: Allen County voters decide future of historic dry county

SCOTTSVILLE, Ky. – Allen County voters had an extra checkbox on their primary election ballots Tuesday: a question to determine the sale of alcohol in the historically dry county.

The polls close down with a 57 percent yes vote.

Allen County’s third wet/dry vote has elicited passionate opinions ever since the petition turned back in January.

Allen County Clerk Sarah Constant said, “At first it was kind of quiet, but in the weeks leading up to the election, it’s been a very hot topic. Both sides are very passionate about their opinion and they have both been working very hard.”

Stanley Bratcher, who’s lived in Allen County over 30 years, said, “I voted no for alcohol because we’re Christians and we don’t believe in American alcohol.”

25-year county resident Al Schwader said, “I voted yes because it will bring in some business and better restaurants, and bring some money to the county, and hopefully help bring the home values up. And that’s what I think we need.”

“I definitely voted no,” said Stanley’s wife, Rhonda. “We don’t need that in this county. The money that it will bring in is ungodly money. We don’t need it. We need to be an example for our teenagers, our young people, and it’s definitely a no.”

Some of the long-standing residents say this vote turned the tide on the county’s historically low primary turnout.

“This is bigger than I’ve seen in the last vote. Look at the turnout, “noted Stanley Bratcher, gesturing to the poll lines. “It will tell you.”

Regardless of the wet/dry vote results, Constant tells News 40 she’s happy to report a 34 percent voter turnout.

“I think that it’s great everybody is out doing their civic duty and exercising their right to vote and giving their opinion.”