What’s Happening SoKy: Community Run & Coat Drive
For today’s edition of What’s Happening SoKy, we sat down with Suzanne Leach. She’s with the Rehabilitation & Performance Institute of Bowling Green and has tons of community events to share with us. Firstly, we learned about Light Up the Night, a community run happening January 2nd at the Rehabilitation & Performance Institute. You can run, walk, crawl, dance for 3-4 miles around downtown BG! Through the run, you can make a stop at the Runner’s Lounge where participants can pick up a number to be entered to win awesome prizes following the run. After the run, they’ll meet back at R.P.I for hot chocolate provided by Bike Rack Bistro and will have cold beverages as well. The next event Suzanne spoke to us about is the ongoing Winter Coat Drive in collaboration with Barren River Area Safe Space. Throughout the month of December, R.P.I is collecting any gently used or new coats, gloves or mittens to donate to BRASS. For more information about both of these events, you can click here.