Safely celebrating the holiday season
BOWLING GREEN, KY.- As National Impaired Driving Prevention Month comes to a close we want to remind you to remain proactive.
If you’re celebrating or enjoying the new year, it’s important that you plan ahead. If you will be under the influence.
Experts expect a 117% increase in drunk driving related accidents that hurt people and cause fatal accidents. Sometimes, having too much fun can lead to these serious accidents.
We sat down with a partner at Hughes and Coleman, Lee Coleman who works with these cases. We learned the negative outcomes they face. Coleman says, “I just don’t know of anybody who wants to be responsible for ruining someone’s life just for the sake of having a good time. I think it’s more often than not paying attention to the details, getting into it, and people start having fun in the start. Have more fun, and then a little bit more fun, and all of a sudden you don’t know who’s able to drive.”
To make sure that your friends and family are safe, be intentional about having a designated driver or use a rideshare app to limit the amount of accidents caused by driving impaired. For more information about the most dangerous days for DUIs, visit