Bowling Green Tourism Recap
BOWLING GREEN, KY.- As we wrap up 2023, we must look at the major milestones accomplished by several tourism attractions here in Bowling Green.
The number of visitors who come to Bowling Green surpasses previous years. Thanks to the ARPA funds, tourism has impacted Bowling Green citizens and other cities like Atlanta, Cincinnati, and so much more.
According to Lauren Guess with the Bowling Green Convention and Visitors Bureau, the growth is beyond Bowling Green. Guess says, “While we do have a good presence from within the state coming to Bowling Green, we are seeing lots of different markets coming from outside the state as well. I mean, it’s exciting to hear Governor Beshear announce, you know, what the impact has been for the year.”
The economic increase wasn’t the only benefit of tourism in Bowling Green. It also helped the average Kentucky household save hundreds of dollars, and tourism will bring more in 2024.