Fall Pests

Keep Your Eye On Potential Pest Invasions This Fall

BOWLING GREEN, Ky (WNKY) – Fall is here! Which means that weather across south central Kentucky is starting to get cooler. With cooler weather, outside rodents and pests seek new destinations to combat the cold temperatures, making your home a potential hotspot for infestation.

Jimmy Blankenship, owner of Guarantee Pest Control says that he typically receives a high volume of service calls during the Spring and Fall seasons.

“We have a spring swarm season for termites and things like that.” Said Blankenship.

The Fall rush is due to the cooler nighttime temperatures, especially during October.

“October is always a big month because of the cool overnight temperatures and insects are looking for places to stay over winter, and that is your homes and businesses.”

Insects are less likely to thrive in cold weather.

Common pests found in the area include: Ants, mice, cockroaches, flies, termites, and spiders. Blankenship says there are some measures to help reduce the number of pests invading your home.

“Fall is a good time to clean out all of your flower beds, move everything away from the house and make sure everything closes up good. Keep your lawn trimmed and don’t let leaves accumulate.”

Landscapes can create a sustainable habitat for pests.

“…All of that thick landscape and mulch makes it difficult for chemicals to penetrate down into can create that environment.”

Although pest invasions aren’t entirely avoidable, Blankenship’s advice to residents is to keep the area around your home neat, and to rake those leaves! Tics and ants can nestle under a layer of leaves to keep them warm during the coldest months of the year.